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New Mexico Hunting License Application Services | Elk Hunting Lottery New Mexico



New Mexico's draw hunt system was designed to insure fairness and consistency in the draw. Draw hunt licenses are awarded by random computer drawing. Residents receive 84% of available licenses per hunt code, non-residents receive 16% of available licenses per hunt code. Non-residents who choose to use New Mexico outfitters will receive up to 10% of available licenses, non-residents who apply without a New Mexico outfitter or on their own will receive up to 6% of available licenses. The best approach is to back up the draw hunts with a landowner permit.

Call Andy or Vicki today to apply for the New Mexico Elk Draw! (505) 474-6959

Apply Now

Here are a few reasons to consider one of the two Application Services 
H&A Outfitters, Inc. offers.

1.  New Mexico veteran outfitter with a solid reputation.

2.  Increased draw odds utilizing the New Mexico state outfitter’s draw pool. Double your chances of getting drawn when using an outfitter.

3.  New Mexico application process allows us to apply up to 4 hunters per application and if the application gets drawn, all hunters get a license.

4.  New Mexico allows us 3 GMUs to choose on each application. We know the best areas to apply, to optimize your chances of getting drawn in a quality hunting area.
We can also mix choices of archery, muzzle loader and rifle on one application.

5.  New Mexico has some of the best draw odds in the country.

6.  Annually New Mexico produces some of the largest trophies in North America.

7.  New Mexico is one of the top elk hunting destinations today.

8.  We waive all deposit fees for youth hunters, mobility impaired hunters and Rocky & Desert bighorn sheep hunters, oryx, ibex, and barbary sheep hunters. 

9.  New Mexico’s best game management units (GMUs) to choose from.

10.  Permitted in four National Forests:  Gila/Apache, Cibola, Carson, Santa Fe and BLM and state lands throughout New Mexico.

11.  Professional guides that meet all state and federal requirements and know the country well.  Most have grown up hunting these units.

12.  Big game species we guide:  Elk, Deer, Pronghorn, Desert Sheep, Rocky Mountain Sheep, Ibex, Oryx and Barbary Sheep.

13. 100 plus references of both successful and unsuccessful clients for you to contact. 

14.H&A Outfitters, Inc. is not a booking agent like so many big names in the hunting industry: Gohunt, WTA TAGS, Huntin' Fools, just to mention a few.  They all offer an application service, and some may float the tag price, but they all charge you per species annually. Basically, they want their annual fee and commission and that in itself brings the price up to you, the consumer.  We will never use a booking agent to book our hunts.  Our fully guided application service is FREE.  Most of the species we apply you for don't even require a deposit and the ones that do are elk, deer and pronghorn and the minimal deposit will be subtracted from your hunt price once we draw a tag on your behalf. 

15.  H&A Outfitters, Inc. is your outfitter from start to finish.  The buck stops here!  110% effort and dedication with your best interests in mind, not ours.  


New Mexico state law requires New Mexico registered outfitters to have signed contracts with their perspective clients before applying them into the New Mexico state outfitter 10% draw pool.  H&A Outfitters, Inc. requires a one-time $500 non-refundable deposit to apply you for up to three species (elk, mule deer, pronghorn) in the New Mexico outfitter draw pool which will carry over from year to year until we draw you a tag. This will be done automatically annually unless we hear otherwise by email by Jan. 15th. When we are successful in drawing you a tag in the outfitter draw, your entire $500 deposit will be applied towards your hunt price that you are locked in on. H&A Outfitters, Inc. requires all 5 contracts/forms listed below this paragraph filled out and signed in order for us to start applying you in the outfitter 10% draw pool. If successful in the draw, we will notify you by phone or email.  You will be billed accordingly to bring your deposit up to 50% of the total hunt cost within 15 days of the draw release date    If you are unsuccessful in the draw, you will be locked in at that hunt price until we draw your desired hunt on your behalf.  NOTE:  If you don't hear from us by the first week of May, you were unsuccessful in the draw and you should see a refund on your credit card from NM Game and Fish. If you are unsuccessful in the state draw, you have the option of applying your $500 deposit towards any other hunt H&A Outfitters, Inc. offers that does not require a draw tag.

We will need a credit card number. By providing a credit card number H&A Outfitters, Inc. can submit you in the New Mexico outfitter's pool online. You will be billed by the NMGF the full license fee and a $65 fee for your annual Game-hunting License this includes a $13 non-refundable application fee on your credit card at the time the application is processed. If you're unsuccessful in the drawing, NMGF will credit your card the total license fee minus the $65 annual game hunting license and minus the $13 application fee. Upon drawing a license, all deposits and license fees are non-refundable.

Step one If you would like to move forward and take advantage of our application service, download the following forms.

 Fill out all five forms, sign, and scan and e-mail to H&A Outfitters, Inc. andy@nmbiggamehunting.com or mail to PO Box 16461, Santa Fe, NM 87592.

Step two Pay your $500 deposit securely off of our website through PayPal. Go to Deposit at the bottom of any page. 

Step three Once we have received your paperwork and deposit, we will apply you accordingly on your behalf in the New Mexico Outfitters draw pool.



New Mexico state law requires New Mexico registered outfitters to have signed contracts with their prospective clients before applying in the outfitter’s draw pool.  H&A Outfitter's, Inc. requires a $200 one-time non-refundable fee to apply yourself using our outfitter number.  This will allow you to apply yourself one or more species until you have successfully drawn a tag for Desert or Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, Ibex, Oryx, Barbary Sheep utilizing this service. You must apply annually for at least one of the species we guide for, and you must apply only in the units we outfit and hunt in. This should be discussed prior to getting yourself applied in the outfitter's draw pool. Once you are successful in drawing a tag, you are booked on a fully guided hunt with us.

If you would like to take advantage of this application service, please download the following forms:

License Application Service

Sheep, Ibex Oryx Hunt Contract

Release of Liability

Fill out all three forms, sign and scan and email back to H&A Outfitters, Inc. andy@nmbiggamehunting.com or mail to PO Box 16461, Santa Fe, NM  87592. 

After we have received all four forms filled out and signed by all parties, and your $200 fee has been paid by each participant, you will be given our outfitter number. This will allow you to apply in the outfitter's pool and have significantly better odds. At this point, you can begin your New Mexico application process.

You can apply online at https://onlinesales.wildlife.state.nm.us/ or you can also apply by telephone or if you need help, simply call 888-248-6866 and they will assist you. Deadline to apply is March 15, 2023.   If you are unsuccessful in drawing a tag, New Mexico Game and Fish Dept. will also refund your card the total license amount minus $75 for your annual game hunting license. 
