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New Mexico Youth Big Game Hunting Outfitter

H&A Outfitters, Inc. offers New Mexico youth elk hunts for rifle, muzzleloader and archery at a discounted price.  New Mexico Game and Fish Dept. made it possible for our youth hunters to experience some quality elk hunting in New Mexico by setting aside certain dates in quality units for our youth hunters only.  This is a huge advantage for the youth hunter.  They get to hunt one week earlier than the general hunting season.  With a very limited amount of tags issued per hunt,  you virtually feel like you have the entire unit to yourself.  The bulls are usually screaming and it's just an awesome hunt.  I can't say enough about it!  Any of the New Mexico youth hunts can utilize the option of a landowner permit which allows us to purchase the elk tag over the counter.  This is something to think about if you were unsuccessful in drawing an elk tag, or if you want to schedule the hunt regardless of the draw results.

youth elk hunts

Youth Elk Hunts

The Units We Elk Hunt

Rifle Youth Bull Elk hunts: 23, 55 The Valle Vidal

Muzzleloader Bull Elk Hunts: 13, 15 

Elk Hunting Methods and success

Calling in screaming bulls, sneaking up on screaming bulls, spot and stalk, ground blinds set up at proven locations. 100% successful.

Rifle and Muzzleloader hunts

Youth Dates and Rates

Dates and Rates:

Rifle and Muzzleloader hunts take place in early October.

  • $6,850
  • 5-day hunt 1 x 1 

Archery hunt dates are September 1 - 24.

  • $6,850
  • 5-day hunt 1 x 1  
  • Prices include 3% forest service tax, 3% BLM tax, 1 non-hunter fee, 1x1 guide service fee.  

Note:  Prices do not include state license fees, landowner permits or state tax.

Mule Deer Hunts

Youth Mule Deer Hunts

Our youth mule deer hunts are conducted in quality units only.  These hunts are fully guided 1 x 1 guide service.  The potential to harvest a 180” - class mule deer buck is extremely high in these units. 100% opportunity.

The Units We Hunt:

  • Youth rifle mule deer hunts :2-A, 2-B, 4, 5-B, 45

Dates and Rates:

  • $6,500 - 5-day hunt 1 x 1 - Units 5-B, 4 
  • $6,500 - 5-day hunt 1 x 1 - Units 2-B, 2-A
  • $6,500 - 5-day hunt 1 x 1 - Unit 45 
  • Prices include 3% forest service tax, 3% BLM tax, 1x1 guide service fee 1 non-hunter fee.

Note:  Prices do not include state license fees, or state tax.

 pronghorn antelope hunts

Youth Pronghorn Antelope Hunts

Our youth pronghorn antelope hunts are conducted on a private ranch or quality units only.  These hunts are fully guided 1 x 1 guide service. 100% successful.

  • $4,000 private land hunts, $3,500 draw hunts
  • 3-day hunt
  • Call for Hunt Dates
  • Prices include 3% forest service tax, 3% BLM tax.

Note:  Price does not include state license fees or state tax.

private land hunts


Here are some of our clients some have hunted with us personally and chose to bring their kids on hunts with us.

Bo Torres              Deer                              707-410-8154
Mark Allen            Elk                                 505-629-6341
Brandon Harris     Elk                                 937-710-2434
Rob Dean             Elk, Mtn. Lion, Deer       315-393-0505
Dave Baller           Elk                                  210-218-8534
Frank McKay        Elk                                  281-682-8397
Kevin Freeman     Elk                                  616-283-4201
John Perpar          Deer, Pronghorn            970-209-7408

big game hunts

Why H&A Outfitters, Inc?

  • New Mexico veteran outfitter with a solid reputation.
  • Fully licensed and insured full-time outfitter.
  • Conducting professional big game hunts since 1992.
  • Long time member of the New Mexico Council of Outfitters and Guides(NMCOG).
  • Professional guides (top-notch).
  • Free license application service! Read more about our application service
  • Hundreds of client references. Read more
  • We offer a wide range of big game hunting opportunities.
  • H&A Outfitters, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider permitted through the USDA Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management and is licensed through the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
  • H&A Outfitters, Inc. has an A+ rating with the New Mexico Better Business Bureau.

Contact Us

H&A Outfitters, Inc. has been guiding youth hunters and specializing in professional New Mexico big game hunting since 1992. My reference list of both successful and unsuccessful references will speak for itself. Hopefully I have the opportunity to meet you at one of our camps. Call (505) 474-6959 or email us to request information on our youth hunts. Your success is my success!


Andrew Salgado
H&A Outfitters, Inc.